Citizen Kane

So I finally did it.

I finally watched the ‘greatest movie in all of human history’.

I did not originally set out to watch Citizen Kane. It wasn’t on my list of film toCitizen-Kane-poster watch because, though I have watched many a boring or annoying film during this project of mine, I had heard nothing but boring things about this movie.

However, I was a little behind in this assignment and I happened to already have to watch Citizen Kane for another class. I decided to suck it up and kill two birds with one stone in the process.

And you know what?

I truly can say I was not bored at all during this movie.

While I wouldn’t call it the best movie I have ever seen in my entire life, like how the critics have hailed it, it was definitely a really interesting story and it was made extremely well for the time period.

I feel like I have truly evolved. I am now able to sit through a two hour black and white movie that literally everyone, even my film major friends/family, has told me was boring as hell.citizen kane

The characters were all pretty realistic. They all had realistic and relatable flaws, and while Charles Kane’s success was less than realistic, I was still interested in the story and was able to believe it within the narrative of the film. Also he reminded me of Seth McFarlane in that musical number for some reason, so someone please explain that to me.

Overall, this was a surprisingly good and interesting movie!! Even if that whole sled thing seemed to come from left field.
